Best Zero Watt Led Bulb Brands
New age Bulb means LED Bulb Yes, if you are looking for Best Zero Watt Led Bulb Brands, then you are in the perfect place. Read here for other LED Bulb’s Hindi reviews. Zero Watt LED is also economical in Bulb Price. These Zero Watt Led Bulb Power Consumption also reduce.
Nowadays people are using zero watt LED bulbs according to day and night time, making the least electricity bill. So in today’s post, we will talk about zero watt LED bulb brands. Let’s start.
- This bulb is also considered as a Zero Watt Led Bulb.
- This is a magnificent LED bulb of .5 Watt LED.
- It is a lot of energy efficient LED bulb.
- Its bulb base B22D is like other LED bulbs.
- The color of this LED bulb is 6500 Calvin.
- The size of this bulb is round.
- In this, you also get one year replacement warranty.
- This bulb received 3625 reviews on Amazon.
- This bulb is .5 watts.
Wipro Safelite B22D 0.5-Watt LEDÂ
- Bulb of Wipro Brand also comes in the market in .5 Watt.
- This Bulb is also quite energy efficient.
- It saves about 90% of electricity.
- The color temperature of these Bulb is also 6500 kelvin.
- This Bulb is suitable for both inside and out.
- In this, you also get the warranty of one year replacement.
- It comes in the pack of 3.
- The bulb of this brand has 1226 reviews on Amazon.
SYSKA SSK-PAG-0.5W Base B22 0.5-Watt LED Bulb
- Syska Brand not only promises to give a good quality but also fulfills the promise.
- In this, you also get the warranty of one year replacement.
- SYSKA also has Bulb’s Color Temperature 6500 Kelvin.
- It comes in pack of 6 packs & in yellow colors.
- It is less hot and it comes with no mercury and non toxic feature.
- It comes with a temperature range of 20 to 60 degrees.
Eveready LED Deco 0.5W LED Bulb (Red Color)
- This 0.5 WATT bulb of Everedy is a LED bulb that gives more benefits than any other brand.
- You also get 1 year old warranty in this bulb.
- This LED Bulb is also of a circular figure.
- Low Maintenance & Energy Efficient.
- Lifespan of Up to 30000 Hours.
- This is a pack of 2 Red Color bulbs.
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My name is Rakesh Kumar, and I am an author at I write review articles and provide specific product reviews to help buyers make informed purchasing decisions.