Every year, the world unites on October 17 to promote awareness and action against poverty. #EndPoverty


Established by the United Nations, this day highlights the plight of millions living in extreme poverty. #EradicatePoverty

Significance of the Day

Over 700 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. Let's work together to change this reality! #GlobalPoverty

Global Poverty Statistics

Get involved! Volunteer, donate, or advocate for policies that support poverty eradication in your community. #TakeAction

Call to Action

From microfinancing to education initiatives, communities worldwide are finding innovative solutions to end poverty. #SuccessStories

Success Stories

Support local organizations working to uplift those in need. Every action counts in the fight against poverty! #HelpOthers

How to Help

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals aim to eradicate poverty in all forms by 2030. Together, we can achieve this! #SDGs

Global Goals

Stand in solidarity on October 17. Together, we can create a world free from poverty. #EndPovertyNow
